
I was interviewed on the 24th of February at #Sky News TV by Kay Burleigh.

We discussed hand hygiene as well as other matters.

One thing that journalists have not asked me and Kay Burleigh did, was about the origin of these viruses. I explained about the incursions humans make into animal territory. When we bring into close contact creatures, which are normally not found together in nature, or that they never cohabit, exchanges of viruses from seemingly innocuous infections can result in co infections, a reassortment of viral RNA and lead to the emergence of a new virus. If this new virus can infect humans, is communicable, and causes disease, as well as spreads fast, we have the makings of a new potentially pandemic strain of the virus.

This also, most probably, the origin of the new #covid19#coronavirus.

Primary prevention is the best tool we have. Do all we can to reduce emergence of new pathogens.




Contact Dr Bharat Pankhania 👇

Please get in touch, especially if you are a local authority, nursing and care home, business, school, college, or university.
I can make a significant positive difference for infection control designed to meet your outbreak management needs. I bring excellence in expertise in a calm and measured manner. 
Teaching and training are my passion and strength. I can deliver one-off teaching sessions or a series of master classes on all health protection and infectious disease management matters.