
The vaccination programme has begun!

On @trtworld with @@hackhound
Excellent news that #Coronavirus#vaccination programme has started in the UK. Even better news is most certainly around the corner, the AstraZeneca Oxford University paper published in the lancet today shows good promise.

Once these vector types of vaccine are licenced, we can see mass vaccination starting globally.

This will finally start to enable us to regain control over the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we of course hope.

In the meantime, don’t drop your guard, don’t get infected, don’t infect others.

TRT TV 08-12-2020
Shiulie Ghosh @hackhound, TRT World @trtworld

#Pandemics#Coronavirus#SARS-CoV-2 #Vaccines#vaccination#publichealth#DrBharatPankhania#medicine#strategy#mRNA#Moderna#Pfizer#MHRA#JCVI#Pfizer/BioNTech #mRNA#nanoparticles#AstraZeneca


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I can make a significant positive difference for infection control designed to meet your outbreak management needs. I bring excellence in expertise in a calm and measured manner. 
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