Teaching and training
Dr Pankhania excels at teaching and training at all levels. He has taught for over two decades at many prestigious universities (Imperial, Bristol, West of England, MARJON Plymouth & Exeter Medical School) and has received exceptionally good feedback each year. He was recently awarded the most inspiring lecturer award at Exeter Medical School.
Dr Pankhania leads the highly successful Principles of Health Protection course at Exeter Medical School, which has grown in strength year on year. Remote teaching is expected to increase student numbers and make the course available internationally.
During the coronavirus pandemic, Dr Pankhania has provided educational webinars to an international audience of several thousand in Australia, Malaysia, and India.
In the UK, Dr Pankhania has delivered highly acclaimed coronavirus webinars through the University of Exeter.
He is a regular on several Indian webinars, communicating, advising, educating and engaging with several thousand members of the Asian diaspora on coronavirus issues. https://healingourearth.com/covid-special